Infrabel is much more than a railway infrastructure manager: it is a key player in a much broader Belgian 5hift.
Our rail network links towns and villages, as well as intermodal and industrial hubs, and is firmly rooted in the social and economic fabric of the whole of Belgium. It is an asset that we want to put at the service of society in our various roles.
Our objective for the coming years is to ensure the smooth and sustainable flow of people and goods. How are we going to do this? By focusing on accelerating the modal shift by proactively forming the backbone of tomorrow's mobility. But also by working on our direct impact on the energy transition, the economy, the environment and society as a whole. Values help shape our corporate culture.
5hift Mobility
We contribute to modal shift by building, maintaining and operating a safe, sustainable and reliable rail network, playing a strong and reliable role in an integrated door-to-door mobility chain (for both passengers and freight).
- 2.4 M less lorry trips on the road each year
- The time saved, excluding traffic jams, is estimated at between €400 and €600 million per year
- >100 million fewer car journeys per year

5hift Energy
We are a major energy player in Belgium, with a unique national medium and low voltage network. Our network supplies the equivalent of the annual energy consumption of half a million households (~1500 GWh). And by using our technical expertise, we produce some of our energy locally on our land.
- We are the 2nd largest consumer of electricity in Belgium.
- We are the 2nd largest energy distribution network in Belgium.
- We produce some of our own green energy and are working on other ways of producing energy.

5hift Economy
With more than 5,000 suppliers, +/- €1 billion invested on an annual basis and more than €300 million spent on goods and services, Infrabel is a major player in the Belgian economy. Our activities are intrinsically linked to other major players in the Belgian economy, in particular with almost 200 connected companies, some of which depend directly on our network to transport their goods.
We are also the link between key logistics hubs (e.g. seaports and inland ports), facilitating the transport of products to and from the rest of Europe.

5hift Environnement
By operating our rail infrastructure, we are able to mitigate the negative external environmental impact of the transport sector. By operating our infrastructure, we are helping to reduce greenhouse gas and fine particle emissions, and to limit the impact on biodiversity.
- 11x fewer CO2 emissions for passenger transport than by car
- 70x less air pollution
- 660 million litres of fuel avoided per year compared with road traffic

5hift Society
As an autonomous public company, we play a key role in society, because we offer a mobility service that is accessible to everyone! As one of the country's largest employers, we deliberately choose to pursue policies that focus on diversity and inclusion.
Moreover, compared with road transport, rail remains the safest and most environmentally-friendly mode of transport.
We are also committed to raising awareness and serving society. We are committed to social issues such as safety, inclusion and education.
- Infrabel is one of the country's largest employers
- Our employment policy is based on diversity
- Infrabel is Top Employer for 2023 and 2024