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Together we'll get even further 

Our vision on partnerships 

The quality of the railway network is our top priority. It’s only logical: it has a direct impact on the safety and punctuality of our trains. That’s why we only work with the best materials and the most knowledgeable suppliers. We also work closely with contractors: they’re responsible for the maintenance and renovation work on the railway infrastructure. They are also charged with the development of projects to expand the railway network. 

How to work with us (SAP Ariba)?

Code of conduct and safety

We pride ourselves on having a responsible purchasing policy. One that fully aligns with our company’s needs and priorities.
The quality of the railway network is our top priority. It’s only logical: it has a direct impact on the safety and punctuality of our trains. That’s why we only work with the best materials and the most knowledgeable suppliers. We also work closely with contractors: they’re responsible for the maintenance and renovation work on the railway infrastructure. They are also charged with the development of projects to expand the railway network.

Download our code of conduct


We make all the necessary safety information for the railway domain available to the staff working around the tracks. Want to know more? Check out our e-learning website on safety.

Purchase of scrap metal and used vehicles

The Recycling Office is responsible for selling to specialised companies goods that can no longer be reused internally.

Aankoop energie-eenheden

Op basis van het elektriciteitsverbruik van de spoorwegsector ontvangen wij energie-eenheden die we kunnen verkopen. Oliemaatschappijen en leveranciers van gasvormige motorbrandstoffen kunnen deze energie-eenheden gebruiken om te voldoen aan hun quotumverplichtingen.

Becoming a supplier


Great that you want to join the Infrabel team! 

Although we admit that the job isn't done in one day. As a government-owned company we are obliged to comply with a number of procedures. That is why we are happy to give you 3 options for becoming a supplier.

  1. Do you have a question, or would you like to register as a supplier? Please fill out this contact form. (Once we've examined your registration, you'll be eligible for an assignment without publication).
  2. Register for an assignment that you found on one of these websites:
    • e-Procurement: for all public procurement contracts published at Belgian and European level
    • PB EU: Official Journal of the European Union for all contracts published at European level
  3. Infrabel uses Ariba as a platform to manage their sourcing process.
    All the suppliers involved in the future sourcing process must register to the Ariba Network.
    The candidates / suppliers will receive an invitation to register on the Ariba Network.

    Following the registration procedure is mandatory.
  4. As a supplier of products or strategic services you can also participate in a qualification procedure that is completely independent of a purchase. When a purchase of these products or services subsequently takes place, only qualified companies are consulted. Want to know more about the legislation on public procurement? We are happy to refer you to the federal government's website.

Qualification procedure for suppliers

Would your company like to submit an application for selection in a qualification system? Send an e-mail to Always state for which qualification system you are applying.

An employee from our 'Qualifications' service will then provide you with the administrative and technical specifications. In it you will find a description of the tests and processes of the qualification. After receiving the administrative and technical files, one of the services involved will start the evaluation.

Please note: if we make use of the selection through the qualification system in a specification, only qualified companies will receive the specification. Want to know more about this? Consult the overview of existing qualification systems below. 

Some documents are only available in French and Dutch.

Note that INFRABEL provides here, for information purposes, the list of INFRABEL qualification systems in force, in the knowledge that the official source of publication of these qualification systems is and remains the Bulletin of Tenders ( and the Official Journal of the European Union (

Here are the links to Infrabel's 2 publications for qualification systems on the e-procurement platform;

For certainty, it is always advisable to refer to this official source.


As a government-owned company, we must comply with current legislation. Our procurement service makes sure of this. This allows us to open our commissions to everyone and strive for a fair and non-discriminatory policy -- one that also encourages competition.
Our procurement department is charged with the following tasks:

  • Organizing public procurement through a non-discriminatory procurement procedure
  • Establishing win-win partnerships between the internal customer (end user) and the supplier
  • Bringing internal customers into contact with suppliers who deliver high-quality products within the set time frame (just in time), so that we can carry out our work according to our planning and the multi-year investment plan
  • Striving for competitive prices
  • Improving performance quality
  • Encouraging suppliers to pursue innovation within the company
  • Carrying out a responsible purchasing policy
Purchase conditions for acceptance of deliveries and services

Download our purchasing conditions here (French)
Download our purchasing conditions here (Dutch)

Contacts Purchasing

Sofie GORIS, Indirect Sourcing Manager |

    Category Manager Facility Management, Work safety & Office Supplies
    (maintenance material such as paint, cleaning products; building materials and clothing)
  2. Gilles ALAERTS
    Category Manager Corporate Services
    (communication service, publicity)
  3. Julien PAQUET
    Category manager Strategic Consulting
    (public procurement contract regarding consultancy)
  4. Paul WARMOES
    Category manager Transport & Fleet
    (vehicles, rental of wagons)

Tanguy VAN DEN ABEELEN, Direct Sourcing Manager |


    Category Manager Track
    (track material such as concrete, word, rails, ballast and mechanical equipment such as switches, steel welding plates)
  2. Stéphane THIELTGEN
    Category Manager Signalling
    (signalling equipment : train detection material, light signals, electronical material)
  3. Fabien LHOIR
    Category Manager Electrical Material & Energy
    (transformers, wiring and cables, material substations, catenary material)

Bart DE BREMME, IT Sourcing Manager |

  1. David DRUEZ
    Category Manager IT Hardware
  2. Pascal MESTDAGH
    Category Manager IT Software


Billing Information

10-31 I-FBA.113
Accounts Payable Department
Place Marcel Broodthaers 2
1060 Brussels
Company number: 0869.763.267

A question about your invoice?

Accounts Payable Department
+32 (0)2/525.29.88

Request an inspection

To request an inspection, please use the document "B678 Request for inspection", in pdf or in xls format.

Technical specifications

The technical specifications are no longer available on the internet. If you are looking for a technical specification in the context of a published government contract, please send an e-mail to the contact point mentioned in the specifications or to the competent technical service. If you are looking for a technical specification concerning a product or service that falls under a qualification system, please send an e-mail to

Do not hesitate to consult our technical specification “QA Supplier Quality Requirements”.


You can submit your application or send us a quote when we announce a new assignment.
You can always find them on these websites:


  1. e-Procurement : for all public procurement contracts published at Belgian and European level.
  2. PB EU: Official Journal of the European Union for all contracts published at European level.
  3. Infrabel uses Ariba as a platform to manage their sourcing process.
  • All the suppliers involved in the future sourcing process must register to the Ariba Network.
  • The candidates / suppliers will receive an invitation to register on the Ariba Network. Following the registration procedure is mandatory.

Please note: there is a chance that some assignments state certain qualitative selection criteria. You must meet these to be eligible. For public works contracts, recognition as a contractor is mandatory if the price of the works exceeds a certain amount.

Want to know more about recognition as a contractor? We are happy to refer you to the website of the FPS Economy: it manages the contractors' recognition system.

Safety and our contractors

Safety is our top priority, and this is also true when it comes to our contractors. Collaborating with them, we have drafted a Safety Charter with which we intend to reinforce safe working on our sites by promoting the correct behaviour. We signed this charter in early 2023 together with TUC RAIL and many other (sub-)contractors working in the railway domain. By the end of 2023 new (sub-)contractors (mainly engaged in green management and crane works) also joined. With this, we are committing to greater safety at our railway worksites.

Find the Safety Charter here

The Safety Rocks symposium was organised for the first time in October 2022. The aim of this was to collaborate constructively with contractors on safety at our construction sites, and to do so in various fields such as near-miss accident reports, pre-job briefings, Last minute risk analysis and use of language. Safety Rocks is now an annual symposium, but there are also many interim contacts with our (sub-)contractors. Meanwhile, all (sub‑)contractor employees accessing our tracks are now also required to pass an examination with an independent body to get a certificate. This certificate proves the employee has the necessary knowledge.

Working under contract

Contractual requirements


Trained staff


Leader of the work


Watch out


Recognition of contractors for surveying surveys




Utility installations third parties

There are many third-party utility installations on Infrabel's domain and under our tracks: water pipes, gas pipes, electricity cables, telecommunication cables, etc. Do you wish to install a new installation or perform maintenance work on existing installations? Below you can find our contact details and the necessary information regarding your application.

To transport gas, electricity, water and telecommunications to people's homes, companies or public spaces, there are a lot of utility lines on our domain and under our tracks. Laying new pipelines or carrying out work on these pipelines can have an impact on the stability and safety of the rail infrastructure and train traffic. That's why you must always request a permit from Infrabel. You can find the complete regulations regarding this license application in bundle 35.1 - Management of utility installations on the domain and under the tracks of Infrabel Version 1.2.

To handle these permit applications as efficiently as possible, we work both locally and centrally:


Management of license applications for utility lines from third parties (including technical advice on and drafting of technical specifications regarding individual license applications, follow-up of the file, etc.)


General Management (including checking and approving license applications; drafting of regulations, procedures, IT tools, etc .; networking with interest groups, intervention in legal and financial problem files, etc.) 

Contact details

Contact Wallonia & Brussels (FR) : Xavier Renaux
Contact Flanders & Brussels (NL) : Pascal Duyshaver

10-04 I-AM.346
Rue De France 85
1060 Brussels

FR: +32 (0)2 525 41 34
NL: +32 (0)2 525 42 90


Below you can download useful documents and forms regarding permit applications and regulations.




License application






Historical documents (appendices to permits issued before 1 January 2019)




Billing Information

10-31 I-FBA.113
Accounts Payable Department
Place Marcel Broodthaers 2
1060 Brussels
Company number: 0869.763.267

A question about your invoice?

Accounts Payable Department
+32 (0)2/525.29.88

Request an inspection

To request an inspection, please use the document "B678 Request for inspection", in  pdf or in xls format.

Technical specifications

The technical specifications are no longer available on the internet. If you are looking for a technical specification in the context of a published government contract, please send an e-mail to the contact point mentioned in the specifications or to the competent technical service. If you are looking for a technical specification concerning a product or service that falls under a qualification system, please send an e-mail to




De werkinstructie zal weldra volgen, net zoals de publicatie van ARE 310 die voorzien is op 1/11/2021. BC TW is een nieuw profiel dat vanaf deze datum geofficialiseerd zal worden.

Our services

In line with Infrabel's eco-responsible policy, Recycling Office is responsible for selling goods that can no longer be reused internally. This offer is not aimed at private individuals, but at companies registered as scrap dealers or who buy for re-use. 

If your company meets this condition and would like to purchase equipment intended for recycling, we invite you to send us an e-mail to stating:

  • The name of your company
  • The type of equipment required and the quantities 
  • The reason for this purchase

For more information, please do not hesitate to consult our terms and conditions.

  1. Scrap metal and decommissioned equipment

It consists mainly of scrap metal such as rails, cables, various types of iron and non-reusable parts.

  1. Materials for re-use

These are materials that can be reused, such as rails, wagons, on-track machines, installations and, exceptionally, ICT equipment such as laptops, desktops, etc.

Note that depending on how you use these materials, the VAT applied will be different.

  1. Service vehicles

Our used vehicles are sold exclusively on the Openlane platform, which offers them exclusively via an auction system.

Based on the final offer, our Recycling Office decides whether or not to approve the sale.

If you would like to take part in these sales, please register at:

  1. Sales to third parties

We also sell equipment to our contractors and other railway undertakings. This is equipment that cannot be purchased through traditional commercial channels, or for which the quantity is too small to place an order with other suppliers. 

If you would like to be kept informed of equipment sales, please do not hesitate to contact our Recycling Office via the following email:


  1. With regard to the purchase of scrap metal

To purchase scrap metal, you must be:

  • Either a scrap metal collector
  • Or a scrap metal merchant
  • Or a buyer of scrap metal for re-use.

To find out about the conditions for recognition in this type of category by region, please see below for all the information you need:

  1. ARIBA registration

Infrabel uses Ariba as its platform for awarding public contracts and selling scrap metal.

All suppliers involved in a future purchasing process with Infrabel must register on the Ariba Network.

Candidates / suppliers will receive an invitation to register on the Ariba Network.

Infrabel invites you to register.

Application of the registration procedure is compulsory.

To become a customer, contact us at

You can find more information on ARIBA in our FAQ on ARIBA at Infrabel


Op basis van het elektriciteitsverbruik van de spoorwegsector ontvangen wij energie-eenheden die wij kunnen verkopen.

De creatie en het beheer van deze energie-eenheden gebeurt in een databank “Register Energy for Transport” (RET) die beheerd wordt door de FOD AD Energie. Wij verkopen deze energie-eenheden aan oliemaatschappijen en leveranciers van gasvormige motorbrandstoffen die deze kunnen gebruiken om te voldoen aan hun quotumverplichtingen. De verkoop vindt plaats via het Ariba-platform.

Wens je meer informatie over de verkoop van energie-eenheden? Bekijk dan onze verkoopsvoorwaarden. Als je nog vragen hebt, stuur dan zeker een mailtje naar

Wens je meer informatie over Ariba? Stuur dan een mailtje naar

Info & Contact

For any further information, please contact us by email. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Looking for a specific address?

Find here the addresses of our various sites

Question about Ariba?

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Maybe you'll find it among our frequently asked questions.