Business Corner
Registered railway companies can use this portal to:
- Reserve train paths online
- Download regulations and administrative documents
- Consult transport data
- Consult invoices

Network statement
Infrabel keeps the network statement up to date and therefore regularly modifies it.

Coordination mechanism
Infrabel organises an appropriate coordination mechanism to ensure coordination between applicants, the FPS Mobility and Transport and, where relevant, other stakeholders in the sector.

Our products
Whether you are a railway company or you want to optimise or strengthen your supply chain, we have the solution for you!

Your Power
With Your Power we provide your trains with all the electrical energy they need through a well-secured network of substations and catenary.

Your XXL
For your exceptional rail freight (a load that is wider, higher and/or lower than the Belgian loading gauge, that exceeds the permitted load category, that must be loaded on several carriages or equipment that is not approved for our network).

Freight corridor
Rail traffic also offers opportunities beyond our national borders. Thanks to the international freight corridors or Rail Freight Corridors (RFC), freight trains can reach several countries during their journey. Three of these corridors run through Belgium: