Starting out as a railway undertaking
We want to play a key role in European socio-economic development. With our rail network, we connect industries, railway undertakings, ports and terminals and offer them a sustainable alternative for the transport of people and goods. Infrabel does not itself transport goods or passengers but makes its infrastructure available to railway undertakings.
As the Belgian railway infrastructure manager, we allocate rail capacity to companies which transport goods or passengers by train. Therefore, you can contact us for your capacity requests. For a train to get from point A to point B, we plan a train path for your company that specifies at what time and on what route the train can travel. Thus, we provide you with access to the rail network.
Any questions?
We will be happy to guide you around the rail network, analyse your needs, and provide you with advice and explanations on procedures.

Rail operator licence
If you wish to gain access to the Belgian rail network, you will need a rail licence. The licence will prove that you have the necessary qualities and safeguards to make use of our network. If your company is based in Belgium, you can request a rail licence from the Federal Minister of Mobility. The rail licence is valid throughout the European Union.
Why is this necessary?
The rail licence proves that you have the necessary qualities and safeguards as a railway undertaking – financial standing, professional competence, integrity and insurance cover that includes civil liability. Important: in addition to the rail licence, you will also need a safety certificate.
What does the procedure involve?
- Do you have a registered office in Belgium? If so, you can apply to the Federal Minister of Mobility for a licence.
- Send the application by registered mail or deliver it by hand and receive confirmation of receipt.
- Within 90 days of receiving your application file, the Minister will make a decision.
- At any time, the Minister may verify that you are complying with all the provisions of the rail licence.
More information is available here
For more information, please refer to our network statement.
Minister of Mobility / FPS Mobility and Transport Rue du Progrès 56 B-1210 Brussels
Contact details
Infrabel Customer & Products Place Marcel Broodthaers 2 B-1060 Brussels
Safety Certificate
If you want access to the Belgian rail network, you must submit a single safety certificate. This proves that your company operates safely.
The single safety certificate demonstrates that the railway undertaking has established its safety management system and is able to meet the legal obligations referred to in Article 10(3) of Directive (EU) 2016/798.
The Unique Safety Certificate is valid for a specific area of operation, i.e. a network or networks on the territory of one or more Member States, where the railway undertaking intends to carry out operations.
Depending on the area of operation envisaged by the railway undertaking, the competent authority for issuing the certificate may be the European Union Agency for Railways or the competent national safety authority:
- If the activity is carried out only in Belgium, the railway undertaking has the choice of having its application examined by the European Union Agency for Railways or by NSA Rail Belgium (SSICF/DVIS).
- If the railway undertaking also wishes to operate in another Member State, it must have its application examined by the European Union Agency for Railways, which has the sole authority to issue the safety certificate. In doing so, the national aspects of the application will be assessed by NSA Rail Belgium (SSICF/DVIS).
More information is available here
For more information, please refer to our network statement.
NSA Rail Belgium (SSICF/DVIS) FPS Mobility and Transport Rue du Progrès 56 B-1210 Brussels
Contact details
Infrabel Customer & Products Place Marcel Broodthaers 2 B-1060 Brussels
User agreement & Local protocols
User agreement & Local protocols
User agreement
The user agreement between Infrabel and the railway undertaking defines the respective rights and obligations of each party.
The user agreement specifies in particular the arrangements for implementing the safety rules, the services and products, compensations and payment deadlines.
Local protocols
The local protocol is a separate agreement from the user agreement.
The local protocol regulates the practical arrangements for the use of the facilities or group of service facilities in which the railway undertaking wishes to carry out operations.
The local protocol describes the operational use of local facilities, specifically tracks, movements (such as entering and exiting tracks) and communication on the ground.
Further information
You will find more information in the Network Statement.
If you have any questions about these agreements, please contact the account management at
Usage fee
If you use the Belgian rail infrastructure, you pay us a fee for the used train path.
The utilisation charge consists of the following elements:
- direct line cost (Your Moves): the cost directly attributable to the operation of the rail service
- Ramsey-Boiteux mark-up (Your Moves): is added to the direct line cost and is calculated according to the inverse elasticity of demand rule. The level of this mark-up depends on the segment, the train circulation period and the density class of the lines crossed.
- direct catenary cost (Your Power): covers the use of power supply systems for traction current and applies only to actual traffic.
- access to service facilities (Your Facilities)
More information about the calculation of the utilisation charge can be found in the Network statement.
Admission of rolling stock
In order to operate on the Infrabel network, the rolling stock in question must have a traffic admission certificate. We distinguish two different types of admission certificates here; the off-path admission, covered under the Your Technical Control section, and the in-path admission, covered here.
The in-path admission certificate also described as the 'vehicle authorisation for placing on the market' or as 'vehicle type authorisation' is issued by the European Railway Agency (ERA) and/or the (Belgian) Rail Safety and Interoperability Service (NSA Rail Belgium-formerly SSICF-DVIS). This authorisation must be requested in accordance with the requirements included in the European directive EU 2016-797 and in accordance with the Law of 30 August 2013 on the Rail Codex.
To obtain this authorisation, the rolling stock must conform to the applicable requirements at European level (TSIs) and/or to the applicable requirements at national level included in the Royal Decree of 6 December 2020, adopting the valid requirements on rolling stock for the use of train paths.
Below, you will find several relevant documents regarding the aforementioned requirements:
In French:
- ESC (ERTMS System Compatibility)
- General
- ESC-BE-01- L1FS
- ESC-BE-02- L2FS
- ESC-BE-03- L1LS
- ESC-BE-04- LGV3_4
- ESC-BE-05-Border
- ETCS braking curves
- TBL1+
- RSC (Radio System Compatibility)
- Train detection
- Shunting
- SI (TVP,TraCi--RoSto,z) shunting capacity ASS PRO F
- SI (TVP,TraCi--RoSto,z) shunting capacity CNT NLS F
- SI (TVP,TraCi--RoSto,z) shunting of composite brakes TST S F
- SI (TVP,TraCi--RoSto,z) shunting on rusted rails TST S F
- SI (TVPTCM100--RoStoz) shunting capacity ASS PRO F v1.2_PV
- SI (TVPJADE--RoStoHSL) aptitude au shuntage TST S 1 2 F
- EMC (Electro Magnetical Compatibility)
- Shunting
Contact details NSA Rail Belgium (formerly SSICF-DVIS)
FPS Mobility and Transport
Rue du Progrès, 56
B-1210 Brussels
Avenue Fonsny 13
B-1060 Brussels
Freight corridor
Since 1 January 2007, domestic and international freight transport has been fully open to competition. To improve the quality of the services provided and the efficiency of rail freight transport, and thus promote sustainable mobility, the European Union has defined eleven international freight corridors (RFC – Rail Freight Corridors), three of which pass through Belgium. These are European freight routes that cross several Member States. Intensive collaboration between European infrastructure managers for each corridor is essential to ensure the smooth movement of freight.
More information
You will find more information in the Network statement.
General information and a detailed description of the freight corridors in which Infrabel is involved can be found on the following websites:
- RFC Rhine – Alpine:
- RFC North Sea – Mediterranean:
- RFC North Sea – Baltic:
The rules specific to freight corridors are described in the Corridor Information Document (CID):
Discover our products
We offer you a wide range of products and services to transport your goods and/or ensure and operate an optimal connection to the rail network.
Our tools and documents
Find all the information necessary for accessing and using our infrastructure in Infrabel's Network Statement.
They have already placed their trust in us
As the infrastructure manager, we are responsible for distributing capacity on the network. Railway undertakings and carriers can purchase passenger and freight train paths from us. We have many other customers in addition to SNCB, the national passenger operator.
In Belgium, the rail sector is liberalized. Capacity reservation is therefore accessible to any company or group of companies that so wishes. Only the public service mission is entrusted exclusively to SNCB until 2033.
Anyone wishing to travel on the Belgian rail network must start by obtaining the necessary permits and safety certificates. Do you want to transport goods or passengers on the Belgian rail network, but do not have the necessary licence and safety certificate as a railway undertaking? As a non-RU applicant, you can book train paths on our network yourself. To do so, you must sign a capacity agreement with Infrabel. You must then select an available railway undertaking according to the train paths ordered.
We will be happy to help you with all these procedures. Do not hesitate to contact our team of Account Managers!